From Hue to Hanoi

Trains from Hue to Hanoi take around 13 hours. The price for one ticket is from $38 to $68 depends on the kind of seat or sleeper class. There are 6 daily trains for you to choose which depart at 1:39 am, 5:00 am, 1:05 am, 3:31 pm, 4:26 pm, and 9:31 pm.

Transportation guide from Hue

If you consider bus for this route, night sleeping bus is the best option. It is cheaper than train, not more than $20, and you can have time to sleep during the journey and start to get around Hanoi in the early morning next day. Most of these sleeping buses depart at 5 or 6 pm and arrive in Hanoi at 7 or 8 am the next day.

From Hue to Ninh Binh

The natural beauty of the journey from Hue to Ninh Binh is definitely one of the most stunning things to see in Vietnam. And train is the way of transportation that can help you not to miss this wonderful experience. There 4 trains every day run from Hue to Ninh Binh (departing 1:39 am, 5:00 am, 4:26 pm, and 9:31 pm). The journey takes around 11 hours and cost from $29 for a soft seat to $42 for a soft sleeper.
Sleeping bus is a cheaper choice for you, around $19. It is a 13-hour travelling, undertaken at night. Bus on this route are operated everyday, about 5 times a day, the sleeping one is usually depart at 5 pm and arrive in Ninh Binh in 5am on the next day.

From Hue to Phong Nha

Phong Nha, or Phong Nha- Ke Bang National Park, is located in Son Trach, Bo Trach District, Quang Binh province, more than 180 km north of Hue. There several options to travel from Hue to Phong Nha, train, bus, or private car.
By train, you are not able to go directly from Hue to Phong Nha. You can take a 3-hour train from Hue to reach Dong Hoi first, then take a bus or taxi to Phong Nha. There are 6 trains running from Hue to Dong Hoi every day, departing at 1:39 am, 5:00 am, 1:05 pm, 3:31 pm, 4:26 pm, and 9:31. It will cost you from $14 to $20 for each seat or sleeper. The distance between Dong Hoi and Phong Nha is around 50 km, so you can easily take the local bus, a taxi or motorbike or private car to reach Phong Nha. Catching a taxi from Dong Hoi to Phong Nha usually costs around $30. It is much more convenient than rent a private car or motorbike, you can go sightseeing yourselves during the way to“The kingdom of the cave”. It is also not very expensive, you have to pay only $10 for using a motorbike taxi.
The other way to get from Hue to Phong Nha is by bus, the advantage of this one is that bus can take you directly from Hue to Phong Nha. Moreover, most of the buses on this route have stops during the way at beautiful sceneries such as Vinh Moc Tunnels or Ben Hai River, so tourists will have a chance to experience more natural beauty. These buses takes around 4.5 hours and cost around $15. If you want to depart in the morning, take a The Sinh Tourist bus, they have one depart at 6:30 am and arrive in Phong Nha at 11:30 am. If you want to depart in the afternoon, you can choose from companies such as DMZ, Hung Thanh, or Queen Bus Café.

From Hue to Da Nang

Transportation guide from Hue

Taking a train to experience such an amazing view during the journey from Hue to Da Nang is always favored by almost tourists. During such a short journey, you can witness the most stunning coast, beaches, jungle-covered cliffs and wonderful mountainous beauty via Hai Van Pass (20 km from Da Nang). There are 8 daily trains run from Hue to Da Nang, they depart every day at 4:55 am, 7:00 am, 8:37 am, 9:31 am, 10:59 am, 5:10 pm, 7:51 pm, 10:28 pm, and arrive in Da Nang Railway Station after only 3 hours. Since the journey is pretty short, you have to pay only $12-$14 for a seat.
Bus is also a very good way to get from Hue to Da Nang, also a only less-than-3-hour journey. The morning buses will have a 30-minute stop. However; the buses will have go through a 20-km tunnel and miss some of the best sightseeing. The price for a ticket is from $13 – $15.

From Hue to Hoi An

There is no railway station in Hoi An so you can’t travel directly from Hue to Hoi An by train. But you can travel by train from Hue to Da Nang (from 10-15$/person) not to miss the most beautiful scenery in Vietnam, then take a bus or taxi from Da Nang to Hoi An. Buses from Da Nang to Hoi An run every hour from 5 am to 10 pm. The duration is 45 minute and a ticket price is $9.

If you want to get directly from Hue to Hoi An, take a bus. Open buses, are the most popular way to travel from Hue to Hoi An. Buses departing in the morning at 8:00 am and 8:30 am arrive at 12:15 and 12:30, in the afternoon at 1:00 pm or 3:45 pm, then arrive at 4:00 pm and 7:30 pm. The ticket price is $15 for the seating one, and $10 for the sleeping one (big bus).

From Hue to Nha Trang

Daily trains from Hue to Nha Trang depart in early morning, morning, noon, afternoon, and also evening (4:55 am, 7:00 am, 8:37 am, 10:59 am, 5:10 pm, 7:51 pm, 10:28 pm). This is a rather long journey with 11.5-13 hour travelling. The ticket price is from $32 to $45.
Or you can take a sleeping or open bus to get from Hue to Nha Trang. Most of these buses depart at noon or early afternoon then arrive in Nha Trang in early morning the next day. For example, a bus can depart at 1 pm at the bus office in Hue and arrive in Nha Trang at 6:45 am (+1). Bus ticket is a bit cheaper than train’s, it is around $30 for one ticket.

From Hue to Da Lat

It is such a long journey from Hue to Da Lat. Apart from flight, you can only take an open bus to travel from Hue to Da Lat but it will stop to change the bus, and you will have to spend almost 1 day traveling. These buses usually depart at 1 pm and arrive in Da Lat in the next day at around 12:30 pm. The ticket price can be $35.

From Hue to Mui Ne

Although there is no train station in Mui Ne, train is a favorable for such a long journey from Hue to Mui Ne. You can get off the train at the railway station near to Mui Ne, it is one in Binh Thuan, then take a taxi from there to Mui Ne. There are mainly trains run from Hue to Binh Thuan Railway Station, departing at 4:55 am, 7:00 am, 8:37 am, 10:59 am, 7:51 pm, and 10:28 pm. These can take you from 15 to 18 hours to travel with the price from $39 to $60. From the station, you can take a taxi with less than $20, or take a motorbike taxi with $10, or take a local bus no.9 with less than $2 to get to Mui ne.

From Hue to Saigon

Trains from Hue to Saigon depart daily at 4:55 am, 7:00 am, 8:37 am, 10:59 am, 7:51 pm, and 10:28 pm. They will take around 20 hours to get to Saigon train station. A ticket costs from $48 to $74, you’d better take a soft sleeper with $68 – $74 to get a comfortable sleep during such a long journey.
Another way is to take an open bus to get from Hue to Saigon. These buses mostly depart in the afternoon and arrive in Saigon in the evening next day, it is a 31-hour journey. And average ticket price is $49 for a seat on an open bus.

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