Overview about Hanoi weather

Hanoi weather is divided into two main seasons: rainy season (from May to September) and dry season (from October to April). However, thank to transition periods that make Hanoi weather more diverse, it can be said that Hanoi weather has all four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Hanoi city is located in the northwest of Red River Delta with total area of 3324 square kilometers. Hanoi has typical weather of tropical monsoon type in the North of Vietnam with hot and rainy summer, and dry cold winter.

Weather by seasons and best time to visit

Hanoi’s spring lasts from February to April with cold temperature and less rain. The average temperature ranges from 15-20°C. If you travel Hanoi in this time, you will have a chance to enjoy Tet holiday-the most important and longest holiday of Vietnamese in a year.



Beginning in May and ending in August, the summer in Hanoi is very hot with the average temperature of 32°C. Jun and July are hottest months that the temperature can rise to 37°C. Heavy rain is expected in Hanoi’s summer, so a raincoat or an umbrella is necessary when you leave home.

Autumn is considered the best time to visit Hanoi. This season is quite short in two months of September and November. Hanoi’s autumn is very beautiful and romantic with the average temperature of 25°C, warm sunlight, cool breeze and dry atmosphere. It is suitable for all outside activities. You definitely should come to Hanoi in this season.


The cold weather of Hanoi begins from November and lasts until February. The average temperature is 17 degree and may dip below 9-10 degree. During this season, the sky is often covered by clouds and the number of sunny days is very low. If it rains, high humidity will make the weather is bitter cold, so warm clothes are really necessary. However, you can enjoy many delicious street foods which warm you up in these days.